THE CITY OF DODGE CENTER is partnering with Widseth and an outside agency to prepare an application to Minnesota’s Small Cities Development Program (SCDP). The program helps income eligible homeowners with funding to make improvements to their home.

Homeowner funding

Eligibility for this program is based HUD income guidelines for low to moderate income households. Homeowners who live in their homes and reside in the target area (see yellow area of map) may be eligible for funding for essential repairs if they meet income requirements. Each income qualified homeowner could receive up to $25,000 in the form of a 10-year deferred (no payments) loan. Each year, 10% of the loan would be forgiven. If you continue to own the home AND reside in it during the entire term of the deferred loan, it will be forgiven.

Use of Funds

Typical repairs that you can use funding for include shingles, siding, furnace, AC Units, windows, doors, soffit, fascia, electrical wiring, and plumbing leaks. Handicap accessibility improvements can be made if a documented need exists. This would not be a remodeling program. Additional requirements are that mortgage payments, property taxes and property insurance must be current and in effect to participate. The deferred loan will be secured by a lien on the property.

If you received a letter in the mail, your feedback is requested. Please submit your response today by filling out the survey below!


Please contact one of the following:

  • City of Dodge Center:

  • Widseth:

  • Philip Drown Consulting: